I’m joyfully surprised every day the sun comes out in the Pacific Northwest and try to get out in it as often as possible to go hiking or walking when I’m not working or creating art. I have a BA in business and work in the field of nonprofit marketing and communications, raising awareness of social issues and solutions for youth and families. I have an affinity for owls, good food and good friends. I live in north Seattle with my energetic Boston Terriers.
Artist Statement
Carving is an act of destroying and subtracting to create something new. I draw inspiration from nature and humanity and seek to inspire that love and appreciation in others through my work.
I fell in love with printmaking for it’s graphic quality of lines and patterns; the repetitive nature of printing yet the chaotic imperfections of texture and ink. Soft and strong, power and grace, I’m drawn to the paradox.
A constant observer, I’m a critic and lover of humanity, preferring to withdraw and engage from a distance through art, reading and small circles of friends.
The linocut printing process starts with a drawing that’s transferred onto a piece of linoleum. Then the fun part starts, the carving. Finally the carving is rolled with ink and a print can be made (see video).